About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Publish the research developed by national and international researchers in the area of Public Health, Nutrition, Food and Health, and Human Resources Training in the aforementioned areas. It is aimed at researchers, professors, professionals and the general public, interested in increasing their knowledge and strengthening their disciplinary and educational competence on the subject. The restructured magazine incorporates four thematic areas: Public Health, Nutrition and / or Feeding, Food and Health, Human Resources Training in related areas. The magazine accepts for publication in its thematic areas: original articles, review articles, essays.

Peer Review Process

All communication received to this magazine is evaluated by two members of a group of reviewers who are selected according to the subject area of the communication sent. The evaluation is carried out by two reviewers under the double blind system. Each one has 15 calendar days to issue their judgment. Subsequently, the authors will receive the results of the decision which may be: accepted, accepted with minor and major modifications, rejected. If accepted, there are two possibilities: a) accepted without modification, in which the author is informed that it will be published in volume and number. b) accepted with modifications (major or minor) in which the author will receive the comments of the reviewers, should be attended and return the article to this magazine no later than 10 business days after the communication. In case of being rejected, a communication will also be sent to the author informing of said decision. In addition to the above, the TURNITIN tool is used to establish plagiarism detection. 

Publication Frequency

RESPYN, Public Health and Nutrition Magazine, is an electronic magazine, published quarterly, published and published by the Autonomous University of Nuevo León through the School of Public Health and Nutrition.

Open Access Policy

The Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (UANL) has within its essential functions the spread by different means or instruments; knowledge and put it in the scientific community and generally for use for the benefit of society. The Public Health and Nutrition Magazine (RESPYN) is one of those means by which UANL disseminates the results of researchers.

Since the beginning of RESPYN (20 years ago), it was conceptualized as an electronic instrument (due to its low cost and global access to information) to disseminate research results without any type of restriction, be it reception, access, processing and obtaining communiqués adjusting to what is mentioned in the strategies mentioned in the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) of 2002 ( https://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/read ) and denoting the gratuitousness of its service to the scientific and general community, what the Budapest Open Access initiative now calls (BOAI-10) “green open access”  (https://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/boai-10-translations/spanish).

In order to achieve the comments in BOAI, the RESPYN is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, this license allows the RESPYN user to share, adapt the material as long as the credits are granted to the authors of the work. Which allows nonprofit, share and adapt, under the condition that the corresponding credits are given (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ).


Autoridades Universitarias


MEC. Rogelio G. Garza Rivera

General Secretariat

Dr. Med. Santos Guzmán López

Academic secretary

MA. Emilia Edith Vásquez Farías

 Publications Director

Lic. Antonio Ramos Revillas


FaSPyN authorities


Dr. Manuel López Cabanillas Lomelí

Subdirectorate General

Dra. Edna Judith Nava González

Deputy Directorate of Bachelor

MC. Myriam Gutierrez López

General Administrative Coordination

CP. Bertha Guadalupe Narro González

Subdirectorate of Research, Innovation and Postgraduate

Dra. Blanca Edelia González Martínez

Subdirectorate of Educational Projects

MSP. Alpha Berenice Medellín Guerrero

Subdirectorate of Integral Student Training

MSP. Erika González Guevara

Code of ethics


In order to strengthen good practices in the reception, review, edition of the articles sent to the Public Health and Nutrition Magazine, it decides to use the best practices of the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE) as references, which includes international standards for journals of publication in the different actors involved.


Editorial team

The actions of the Editorial team will be based on the principles of transparency, originality, integrity and quality in the fulfillment of its objectives. In this case, it will take measures among others, plagiarism detection, data manipulation, redundant and / or duplicate publication.


Responsible Editor

The editor is responsible for the Public Health and Nutrition Magazine both administratively and academically. Should assess the importance of the publications based on the readers and the area of study, you are free to express your opinions, in a responsible and respectful way, resulting from the review of the articles. Decisions regarding the acceptance or rejection of an article for publication must be objective and based solely on the importance, originality and clarity of the object of study.

Must maintain a cordial and respectful communication with the members of the editorial team, the scientific and editorial committees, the authors and the reviewers.

Should encourage responsible behavior and discourage bad editorial practices.

Must act as guarantor of the confidentiality of the information contained in the manuscripts received and in the evaluation comments.

Will provide updated information on the authorship criteria following the international ethical standards of publication. It will take corrective measures in case of plagiarism or other misconduct, and may also delete published articles in case of proven bad practice.

Must inform the authors if the article will be admitted in the peer review process. 



The authors must be committed to the ethical and responsible development of their research, the article must be of their own creation, original and unpublished, avoid plagiarism at all costs.

The articles must have internal congruence in the line of the identified research problem, objectives, methodology, results and conclusions.

They must provide their personal information correctly, send in a transparent and original way all the documentation required by the editorial team, provide permissions if resources from other authors (images, etc.) were used, confirm that the manuscript proposal has not been sent to another magazine, declare any possible conflict of interest. 



Reviewers should adopt an integral and honest position when evaluating the articles; The review should be objective considering the content of the work. Reviewers' decisions should be based on accuracy and scientific quality.

Comments should always be expressed respectfully with respect to the author's work.

They should inform the editor if they detect similarity between the work they are reviewing and any other published article, or if they are aware of a similar work under review.

The reviewers will not have access to the author's personal information, nor will they be able to request information about him or communicate with them.

They must submit the evaluations on time and in accordance with the requirements of the journal.


Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Journal History

The Public Health and Nutrition Magazine is a quarterly periodical university publication, produced by the Subdirectorate of Research, Innovation and Postgraduate of the School of Public Health and Nutrition and the valuable collaboration of the Information Technology Directorate of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León.


He began in 2000 as the first electronic magazine at the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, the founder of RESPYN was Dr. in C. Pedro César Cantú and collaborated with the magazine until 2013. The initial editorial committee had 24 members and a five-member council. He has issued 51 volumes with 281 articles and essays, more than 50 editorials of recognized professionals in Public Health and Nutrition.


As of 2013, the magazine was restructured, the new Responsible Editor for was appointed. Dr. in SC. Esteban Gilberto Ramos Peña plus four associate editors: Dr. in Med. Georgina Mayela Núñez Rocha, Dr. in C. Erik Ramírez López, Dr. Aurora de Jesús Garza Juárez and the MSE. Clemente C. Gaitán Vigil. It also has a Technical Editor: MGS. Alejandra Berenice Rocha Flores. The restructured magazine incorporates four thematic areas: Public Health, Nutrition, Food, Human Resources Training in related areas, which attend each of the associated editors.