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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • 1. The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments in the editor).

  • 2. The send file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.

  • 3. Whenever possible, DOI proveded and if not possible the URL addresses are provided for the references.

  • 4. The text has simple line spacing; 12 font size points; italics are used instead of underlined (except for URL addresses); and all the illustrations, figures and tables are located immediately after the text that describes them in the results section.

  • 5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the Author's Guidelines, which appear in About the journal. It is the authors' obligation to check the spelling and references.

  • 6. If sent to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensure an anonymous evaluation should be followed. 

  • ALL authors of the submission have complete data in the metadata section (names, paternal and maternal surname, ORCID, email, institution, country, among others).
    The title (in upper and lower case), abstract and keywords are captured in Spanish and English.

Author Guidelines

In the Public Health and Nutrition Magazine, access to information, receipt of documents, handling and complete processing of files sent to the magazine are free of charge and / or fees.

It addresses the areas of public health, nutrition, food and health, as well as human resources training in the aforementioned areas.

Since RESPYN is incorporated into the OJS platform, it is a requirement, to start the review process, that all authors of the article are registered in the submission metadata. It is mandatory for author identification to include the ORCID (Register in ORCID.ORG).

In case of being accepted for publication, the magazine may request participation as reviewers of an article, for which a proof of reviewer will be extended.

 In addition, in order to have the necessary information for editing, in all cases, the following files will be incorporated into the platform:

 • In file revision versión

  • File consisting of the article which should contain: Title, abstracts and keywords (Spanish and English), body of the article (Original, Review, Essay, Clinical case in nutrition), acknowledgments (in case exist), bibliography (APA 6th ed.). (This file should not contain names or affiliations of the authors).

 Supplementary Files

  • Word file containing:
    • Title of the communication, Authors (abbreviating names or surnames is not allowed) with place of ascription and email address of each author.
    • The name and email of the respondent should be highlighted in bold (the email will be placed on the first page)
  • Word file containing:
    • title and abstracts of the communication (Spanish and English).
  • Word file containing:
    • Communication with name of authors (abbreviating names and surnames is not allowed), title, abstracts and keywords (Spanish and English), body of the article (Original, Review, Essay, Clinical case in nutrition), acknowledgments (if they exist), bibliography (APA 6a ed.).

• File containing

  • Images of tables and / or figures in .jpg, tiff or png format, with a minimum of 300 pixels (maximum of 5 tables and / or figures).

Excel file containing:

  • Tables that you used in your communication (it will be used only in case of edition for the magazine).

• PDF files (signed by all authors and addressed to the responsible editor):

  • Copyright letter.
  • Letter of originality.
  • Letter of absence of conflict of interest. 

(The formats of the letters can be found in the filling section "accept the copyright declaration" found in step 1 "Start", of your submission.)


RESPYN has the following sections, the content of which depends on the material to be published:

• Original articles: Include manuscripts resulting from original investigations.

• Review articles: They are manuscripts that are oriented to the examination and reflection of a critical nature on issues related to the thematic contents of the Journal of Public Health and Nutrition.

• Clinical cases in nutrition 



The rights of the work belong to the author or authors, however, by sending it for publication in RESPYN, the author or authors grant the right to RESPYN for publication in electronic media, and possibly, in print. Likewise, the author (s) will take into account that it will not be allowed to send the publication to any other journal while the article is under revision for its first publication regardless of the format. Once the first publication has been made del artículo en esta revista, los autores tendrán la libertad de publicarlo en cualquier otro medio. 



Editorial Guidelines

The works proposed to the Public Health and Nutrition Magazine must be unpublished and not published in any other magazine or submitted to another magazine while it is under consideration.

It is the authors' obligation to spell check their submissions.


The structure and type of communications that RESPYN considers is: 

ORIGINAL ARTICLES: [They will have the following sequence and typology]

Title: Upper and lower case, Arial 14, Author and Institutional Affiliation of each author.

Abstract: It will be presented in Spanish and English, arial 12, will consist of 200 words or less, will not contain acronyms. The summary will contain introduction, objective, material and method, results, conclusions. They will also include three keywords in both languages. The summary will be sent in a different document from the body of the article.

Body of the original article: In arial 12, Introduction, Material and Methods (or Methodology where applicable), results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments.

The articles will be written in Spanish or English, and must be reproduced in Word doc. or docx. They will have an extension of at least 8 (eight) and a maximum of fifteen pages from the introduction to the conclusions (including figures and / or tables). The citations in the text and the list of bibliographic references will conform to the APA model sixth edition 

To increase the clarity and quality of the article, it is suggested to use the STROBE guide according to the type of observational study being reported (example: cohort, case control, among others).


In order to support your communication to this magazine, we incorporate one of the existing URLs:


REVIEW ITEMS [Will have the following sequence and typology]

 Title: Arial 14, Authors and Institutional Affiliation of each author.

 Summary: It will be presented in Spanish and English, arial 12, will consist of 200 words or less, will not contain acronyms. The summary will contain: Introduction; objective; method (data source, study selection criteria, synthesis methods); results; limitations; conclusions They will also include three keywords in both languages. The summary will be sent in a different document from the body of the article.

Introduction: Arial 12, will introduce the reader on the topic to be developed, must contain the objective of the bibliographic review, justification of the review before the current state of knowledge.

Methodology: The information search methodology must be expressed; the definitions of terms; study limitations; establish the criteria for selecting references; establish the sources or databases consulted.

Results: Report the number of studies analyzed; Refer the cause of the exclusion.

Development and discussion: Arial 12, in the following text, the sections should be organized in a logical way, critical argumentation of the results will be presented (design problem, limitations of studies among others) and will explain from a critical perspective of the current state of the art in the theme selected in relation to the contents that RESPYN accepts.

Conclusions: Arial 12, in the following text, Presents the position of the researcher based on the data and articles analyzed.

Review articles will have a minimum of 5 (five) and a maximum of 10 (ten) pages, from the introduction to the conclusions (including figures and / or tables).

The citations in the text and the list of bibliographic references must conform to the APA model sixth edition.

To increase the clarity and quality of the article, it is suggested to use the PRISMA guide according to the type of study that is being reported (review or meta-analysis).

In order to support your communication to this magazine, we incorporate one of the existing URLs:


ESSAYS [They will have the following sequence and typology]

 Title: Arial 14, Authors and Institutional Affiliation of each author.

 Summary: It will be presented in Spanish and English, arial 12, will consist of 200 words or less, will not contain acronyms. The summary will contain introduction, objective, conclusions. They will also include three keywords in both languages. The summary will be sent in a different document from the body of the article.

Introduction: Arial 12, will introduce the reader in topic to be developed and must contain the purpose of the writing. The author must state his position or thesis.

Body of the essay: Arial 12, in the following text, will develop and explain from a critical perspective the current state of the art of the selected theme.

Conclusions: that express the position of the researcher in the light of the analysis.

The essays will have a length of at least 3 (three) pages and a maximum of 8 (eight) pages (including figures and / or tables). The citations in the text and the list of bibliographic references must conform to the APA model sixth edition. 



Currently, RESPYN is not accepting for review and publication purposes. Technical Reports and Clinical Cases in Nutrition.



RESPYN suggests the following format for tables and figures. Excel file 

As for the images (figures and tables), it is suggested that all the elements be included (title, body of the figure or table, legend, fully identified X and Y axes, in case of handling only percentages the “n ”, Source and table footer inside the image since this method in MS Word is more stable image handling.



Data source:

Data source:

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes set forth therein and will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.