
  • Elizabeth Solís Pérez Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Texas Woman’s University; (USA) Public Health and Nutrition School, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (Mexico)
  • Zacarías Jiménez Salas Public Health and Nutrition School, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (Mexico)


Pediatric obesity is a major concern for clinicians. It represents a
risk factor for several diseases later in life (1) .The current
increase in the prevalence of pediatric obesity has fostered a
multidisciplinary discourse on the most appropriate strategy for
reducing this epidemic. It is estimated that obesity currently
affects 25% of children in the United States(2).
In our opinion, much more attention should be given to prevention
and the development of preventive strategies at all ages. To
attempt the prevention of childhood obesity, it would be clinically
useful to have a predictive parameter or set of parameters with
which to define an "at risk" state of obesity.


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How to Cite

Solís Pérez, E., & Jiménez Salas, Z. (2001). THE ROLE OF LEPTIN IN OBESE CHILDREN. RESPYN Revista Salud Pública Y Nutrición, 2(4). Retrieved from



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