Association between chronotype and nocturnal food intake with body mass index


  • Ana María González Ponce Universidad del Papaloapan, campus Tuxtepec, Circuito central 200, Parque industrial 68301, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, México.
  • Adriana Alejandra Márquez Ibarra Universidad de Sonora, campus Cajeme, Blvd. Bordo Nuevo s/n Ejido Providencia , 85199 Cd. Obregón, Sonora, México.



Cronotipo, ingesta nocturna de alimentos, universitarios, índice de masa corporal.


Background: The chronotype is a regular pattern of oscillation in physiological processes in relation to the sleep-wake cycle. The evidence shows that the chronotype in the evening, together with the ingestion of dinner, has a higher risk of developing obesity. Objective: To determine the existence of an association between the chronotype and the nightly intake of food, with the body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference. Methods: Transversal analytical study in university students (n= 264), anthropometric measurements were obtained by standardized personnel, the chronotype was obtained by means of the MEQ- SA questionnaire validated and adapted to Spanish, by Horne- Östberg and for nighttime food intake, the validated questionnaire by Márquez, Salazar. The data analysis was performed with the Stata package version 14, for all tests a value p< 0.05 was considered as statistical significance. Results: No relationship was observed between BMI and chronotypes (p= 0.1136), nor was there any association between waist circumference and chronotype (p= 0.1325), and there was no association (p=0.709) between chronotype categories and nighttime eating habits. Conclusions: No association was found between the variables analyzed.


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Author Biographies

Ana María González Ponce, Universidad del Papaloapan, campus Tuxtepec, Circuito central 200, Parque industrial 68301, Tuxtepec, Oaxaca, México.

Maestra en ciencias de la salud con área de concentración en nutrición por el Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública.

Licenciada en nutrición por la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana- Unidad Xochimilco.

 Revisor de artículos científicos desde 2014 en  la revista de Biomedicina Chilena Medwave  y desde 2015 en la  revista Nutrición Clínica y Dietética Hospitalaria.

Autora del Capítulo 6. Nutrigenómica y nutrición personalizada; del libro cálculo dietético y dietoterapia. ISBN  978 607 96826 5 1 Editorial Castdel, primera edición. 2016.

Trabajó en The American British Cowdray Medical Center (Hospital ABC) como nutrióloga adscrita al departamento de nutrición y dietas.

En la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo en el Instituto de ciencias de la salud, como docente en la licenciatura en nutrición.

Actualmente profesor investigador de tiempo completo en la Universidad del Papaloapan, perteneciente al Sistema de universidades estatales de Oaxaca (SUNEO).

Adriana Alejandra Márquez Ibarra, Universidad de Sonora, campus Cajeme, Blvd. Bordo Nuevo s/n Ejido Providencia , 85199 Cd. Obregón, Sonora, México.

Profesror de tiempo completo


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How to Cite

González Ponce, A. M., & Márquez Ibarra, A. A. (2021). Association between chronotype and nocturnal food intake with body mass index. RESPYN Revista Salud Pública Y Nutrición, 21(1), 10–18.



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