Habits and perceptions about food and consumption of sweeteners in the university population
consumo-alimentario, endulzantes, condiciones-sociodemográficasAbstract
Introduction: The style, profile and attitude about food are related to socio-cultural dimensions that condition food consumption. Objective: To describe eating style, profile and attitudes and consumption of sweeteners at the Universidad Nacional de Lanús, and its relationship with sociodemographic conditions. Material and method: A descriptive-cross-sectional study was carried out on a non-probabilistic sample (n=236) of students, teacher-researchers and non-teachers during 2021, through a self-administered questionnaire, on style (omnivorous/vegetarian), profile (innovative /non-innovative), food attitudes (hedonistic/restrictive/conscious), consumption habits and evaluation by attributes of sweeteners. These variables were related to sociodemographic conditions. Descriptive analysis. Results: 46% were innovative, with a tendency towards women, >25 years old, and medium-high SES. 45% were hedonists, predominantly <40 years old and low SES, among restrictive (30%) women and >40 years old, and medium-high SES among conscientious. Sugar consumption (54%) predominates in low SES and <25 years, and is identified with negative attributes. Stevia has attributes linked to health, although its consumption is low (24%). Conclusions: A relationship is observed between sociodemographic characteristics and profile, attitude and eating style and sweeteners. The valuations on them do not correspond to the consumption, conditioned by habits, costs, others.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Dra. Marina Wallinger, Esp. Francisco Díaz, Esp. Emilio Cabello, Lic. Mónica Yedvab, Lic. María Elena Colombo , Lic. Guillermina Guerrero , Lic. Florencia Pisarra, Lic. Ana Moreno, Mgter. Lucía Pelatelli
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