Counseling like mental health intervention on industrial workers




Worker, Counselling, Self-esteem, Depression, Anxiety


Introduction: The World Heat Organization states that mental disorders are the principal cause of disability and the second illness worldwide for persons between 15 to 44 years old. Objective: To observe self-esteem, depression, and anxiety values before personal counseling and after it. At least 8 sessions. Material and method: Longitudinal, descriptive, and observational study. 12 workers of an enterprise in San Luis Potosi finished the study. Psychological tests such as Rosemberg, CESD, and STAI were applied before and after the intervention. Results: A rise in self-esteem was observed, with statistical significance, but not at depression. Anxiety did not show changes. Conclusions: The results could be influenced by the workers' perception of being gratified for participating in the study. Our results may be affected by the small size of workers who finished the study.



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How to Cite

Sánchez-Armáss Cappello , O. ., Purata Juárez, B. D. ., Galván Almazán, G. de J. ., & Aradillas-García, C. (2021). Counseling like mental health intervention on industrial workers. RESPYN Revista Salud Pública Y Nutrición, 21(1), 1–9.



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