Lipid and caloric content of breast milk according to nutritional status of nursing women




breastfeeding, nutritional status, crematocrit.


Introduction: it is essential to understand how the nutritional status of breastfeeding women influences the concentrations of nutrients in their breast milk. Objective: to correlate the food-nutritional situation of 80 lactating women in two regions of Venezuela with the content of their breast milk. Material and Method: the anthropometric evaluation was carried out through the body mass index, while for diet quality the 24-hour recall methods, qualitative frequency of consumption and food diversity score were applied; for the analysis of fat and calorie content of breast milk, the crematocrit method was used. Results: 66.25% of the women obtained a normal nutritional diagnosis and 8.75% underweight. Dietary diversity was medium in the Andes and low in the Oriente, with average intakes of calories and proteins in both regions below the acceptable ranges of macronutrient distribution for the Venezuelan population. The content of calories and lipids in breast milk samples from both regions exceeded international references, finding only a correlation of low-lipid milk in women with emaciation. Conclusions: a relationship was found between low weight and insufficient lipid content in breast milk.


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Author Biography

Jesús Enrique Ekmeiro Salvador, Universidad de Oriente

Profesor de Nutrición Humana en el Máster de Ciencia de los Alimentos


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How to Cite

Briceño, D. C. ., & Ekmeiro Salvador, J. E. (2022). Lipid and caloric content of breast milk according to nutritional status of nursing women. RESPYN Revista Salud Pública Y Nutrición, 21(3), 19–30.



Artículo Original