Eating behaviors and lifestyles in research teachers during and post confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic
Comportamientos alimentarios, Actividad física, PandemiaAbstract
Introduction: Dietary behaviors encompass food selection, quantity and cooking techniques, which are altered once people's and lifestyles conditions change. Objective: To compare perceived eating behaviors and lifestyles in teacher researchers under the context of COVID-19. Material and method: Comparative, cross-sectional-analytical study, through a non-probabilistic sampling in the teaching community in two observation stages; February 2021 and September 2022. The main inclusion criteria were to be a teacher/researcher in higher education schools.Based on the column proportions test, the results of both stages were compared. Results: In the first stage of the study 174 responses were collected; in the second stage 79. Mexican nationality predominated (93% vs 87%), with doctorate (64% vs 49%; p<0.05). Nutritionally, in both periods they perceived that their food consumption increased (48% vs 33%; p<0.05). Overweight/obesity prevailed (62% vs 61%). Lifestyles showed better conditions in physical activation and sleep, compared to the post-confinement stage. Conclusion: Teachers/researchers in both periods, had significant eating behaviors such as weight gain, prevailing overweight and obesity. Therefore, nutrition education that promotes healthy practices is highly relevant.
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